Hello beautiful human!

You have reached a safe space where
all beings are celebrated, honored, & embraced-Equally.
No exceptions or excuses.
intention & approach

My name is Brianne and I'm a certified Neurdodynamic™ Breathwork facilitator & holistic wellness coach who is passionate about helping other human beings live their best lives'. There is nothing that brings me greater joy than holding space for someone as they find or reconnect with their inner power and break free from self-limiting beliefs, past trauma, and unconscious patterns...and begin to SHINE from the inside out!

As a committed 'forever student of life', I enjoy learning and will always continue to acquire new tools and skills that can help me best support other humans in their own life journey's. It is my belief that a solid facilitator, coach, or wellness practitioner should always be doing their own personal 'work' to show up for their clients, family, friends, and mostly importantly--themselves. Those who choose to work with me can feel confident in knowing that any of the suggestions offered during our time together, have been or are currently being practiced in my personal life as well.

We are all born with a (mostly) clean slate and it is our memories, past experiences, and relationships that have created unconscious patterns and cycles of behavior that once protected us, but are no longer serving us in a positive way. Long-term transformation entails a deep shedding process, to strip away the thought patterns and coping techniques that were created at a very young age (0-6 yrs) and replacing them with a healthy and fully conscious self-awareness. As a coach, I practice a no-pressure approach and help guide people towards increased self-empowerment by simply presenting options and encouraging my client's to decide what they think is best for them to build self-confidence and trust within themselves.

Everyone is fully capable of healing and transformation with the proper tools, support & guidance.

I am not capable of healing anyone (besides myself), but I can help people acquire the skills and build the self-trust it takes to completely transform their own life in a positive way.

As someone who took the LONG, bumpy, non-scenic route and struggled the majority of my life with depression, self-sabotaging behaviors, and unresolved childhood trauma...It has now become my life's purpose to help others find their (less bumpy and more scenic) road to freedom. Road trips are inherently more fun with a partner, am I right?! :-)

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Go ALL-IN on yourself!
Take control of your life, let go of all the self-limiting beliefs you never signed up for, and allow yourself to embrace all the unique gifts you were designed to share with the world.

You were created to shine your light.
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